Friday, 10 December 2010


In what ways does your media product use, develop or challenge forms and conventions of real media products?

The conventions of a student magazine are a background picture that relates to what the magazine is about and usually a mid close up is the most effective type of background picture. A catchy and bold masthead is a good thing to have in order to draw the viewer in and to represent what the magazine may be going to contain inside. Eye catching cover lines help to explain a little more about the magazine without having to actually open it, so things that would really appeal to students are a good thing to have on the front cover. Putting a website on the magazine is helps to advertise the magazine further. A bold reasonable price should be used on the front cover in order to attract students, but if its too cheap it could effectively make people think it’s going to be a bit rubbish. The biggest element on the front cover of the magazine should be the most exciting article, for example if you were interviewing someone famous this should be represented big and bold.
I think that I have done all of these but the thing I did slightly differently to conventional magazines is that my background picture is black and white and I have used very restricted colour and I also think that by taking my picture of her face through books makes it a little more interesting to look at whereas other magazines would tend to use a more simple background picture. 


How does your media product represent particular social groups?

I think that my magazine has represented teenagers in general and I don’t think that it is specifically aimed at students but I definitely think that this would attract students more because it is not specifically aimed at college or school based subjects. The language I have used is basic and easy to read so that at first glance you aren’t bombarded with complex cover lines. I have made sure that my cover lines are well away from her face as to not distract away from the picture, and I think this picture helps to represent that it is actually a student magazine die to the books and glasses.

What kind of media institution might distribute your media product and why?

A good place to sell my magazine would be a news agent where students would regularly go to buy stuff, and I good place to display it would be on a separate news stand near to the tills so that it could easily be seen and would perhaps appeal more to students when they are buying things, it could also increase their interest in buy one.

Who would be the audience for your media product?

 I think that my student magazine could be aimed at both genders but I think due to the picture I think certain issues could possibly be aimed at girls or boys and I think it would be difficult to make every issue right for both genders, but the content in general is directed at both boy and girls. I think that my magazine is mostly aimed at college students or students that are just finishing high school as most of the points contained in the magazine are related to that kind of age group. I think the sort of class that would buy my magazines would be middle class because they would be the class that would usually go to a public college and would relate more to the content of the magazine.

How did you attract/address your audience?
I included things that would interest the target audience of students, for example information about bands and music but then the more serious matters of university information, what is advertised on the front cover is what people would call “the fun stuff” whereas the more important information is still included inside. On the front cover I have also included things that would draw the audience in, for example competitions and a cover line about Christmas. The writing is very chatty and casual as opposed to formal and complex, this is so that instantly the target audience can relate to the magazine and can tell pretty quickly that this magazine is aimed at them.

What have you learnt about technologies from the process of constructing this product?
I have used publisher in order to create my magazine, but have also used photo shop for modifying the text. I used a compact digital camera in order to get my pictures for my magazine, and then edited these, I turned the picture for the front cover black and white in order to create a dramatic and individual appearance to my magazine, I also did this on photo shop.

Friday, 19 November 2010

Contents page ideas

 Which contents page do you prefer?

Number 1?or Number 2?

Layout Ideas

Which ones you do like best for the front page?

Number 1?

Or number 2?

Textual Analysis

First Car magazine:

The mast head is all in capital letters and this has been used to create a statement and draw the viewers eyes to the name of the magazine. Its is also  white text on  a black (wobs) background and this makes the lettering more prominent and easy to read. It is also the biggest font on the front page and this is because it's the most important thing on there.

There is a banner on the magazine advertising 'The Inbetweeners' and this is is also shown by the picture on the front, in this picture there is also the car so this relates to the magazine. They have used yellow and black text to advertise this, the theme of yellow and black is often used on crime scene tape and this makes it look important.

The picture of 'The Inbetweeners' would attract attention because it is a very popular comedy teenage drama and there is an ongoing joke in the drama about the car. The title "First Car" would also attract young people as when they are learning to drive the next step is them buying the car and it's usually an exciting thing to do and to get some extra information on your first car would probably be very useful.

The strap line is advertising that the magazine is about fun stuff as well as the important information, on the strap line is says "competitions, games, gadgets, advices and tips, news and used cars." This gives you a basic idea about what you would get to read if you bought this magazine.

The picture on the front shows a picture of the Inbetweeners with a medium close up of Will the one they all take the mick out of, yet in the background the rest of them are surrounding an old looking car and laughing at will, and this makes it ironic because they should be the ones that are being laughed at.

The colour scheme is very minimal, and the use of black, white and yellow appears to make the front page look very boy-ish and this is backed up by the name of "FIRST CAR" as a lot of girls wouldn't be interested in reading a magazine about cars.

Audience Questionnaire

Male or female?


Would you be interested in University information?

Would you like to read about upcoming bands and celebrity news?

Would you like to learn about clubs and activities?

Would you like to read film reviews?

How often would you like to receive a student magazine?

How much would you be willing to pay?

Would you actually be interested in buying a student magazine?

Wednesday, 17 November 2010

Vote for the magazine name

What Should I Call My Student Magazine
Rookie free polls

Comparison of Student Magazines

Youth Action Magazine:
Agony aunt
Organisations about volunteering
Planning for the future
Information about global issues

Aimed at a young audience with no specified gender
Helping teenagers get out and help, e.g hobbies
Explaining various things going on in the community that teenagers can get involved in

HC Magazine:
Information about choosing universities
Life choices

Aimed at both genders
Has information but also has fun information about upcoming bands and competitions

Student ID Magazine:
University Advice
Latest News

Aimed at students looking into universities of both genders

Action plan for the next 4 weeks

Week 1 (15th of November)
  • Comparison of student magazine
  • Audience questionnaire
  • Textual Analysis
Week 2 (22nd of November)
  • Create Layout Designs
  • Organise Photo shoot
  • Edit photographs
Week 3 (29th of November)
  • Audience Feedback
Week 4 (6th of December)
  • Evaluation